Features of SymptoScan

-Empowering Your Health Journey with Predictive Insights and Informed Wellness Choices-

Splash Screens

SymptoScan- your health guardian, seamlessly predicting diseases, offering personalized health insights, and fostering a proactive well-being revolution through cutting-edge technology and user-centric design.

Engaging Introduction

The splash screen serves as the app's opening act, providing an engaging and visually appealing introduction to SymptoScan.

Liquid Swipe Animation

Incorporating liquid swipe features adds a dynamic and fluid animation, creating a seamless transition between splash screens, enhancing the overall user experience.

Brand Identity

The splash screen is an opportunity to showcase SymptoScan's brand elements, including logos, colors, and design, establishing a strong visual identity from the moment the app is opened.

Signup and Signin Screens

SymptoScan- your health guardian, seamlessly predicting diseases, offering personalized health insights, and fostering a proactive well-being revolution through cutting-edge technology and user-centric design.

Seamless User Authentication

Leveraging Flutter and Firebase, the sign-up and sign-in screens offer a seamless and secure user authentication process, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

Intuitive User Interface with Flutter

Flutter's expressive UI framework enables the creation of visually appealing and intuitive sign-up and sign-in screens, with customizable widgets and layouts for a consistent design language.

Error Handling and Alerts

Both sign-up and sign-in screens incorporate error handling mechanisms, displaying meaningful alerts to users in case of authentication failures or input errors.

Disease Prediction Section

SymptoScan- your health guardian, seamlessly predicting diseases, offering personalized health insights, and fostering a proactive well-being revolution through cutting-edge technology and user-centric design.

Advanced Disease Prediction

Leveraging a sophisticated Machine Learning model, SymptoScan excels in predicting a diverse range of 41 diseases, providing users with early insights into potential health risks.

ML Model Integration

The ML model is seamlessly integrated into the core of SymptoScan, utilizing data analysis and pattern recognition to achieve high accuracy in disease prediction.

Data-Driven Predictions

SymptoScan's ML model relies on a data-driven approach, analyzing user-inputted symptoms and health data to make accurate predictions and contribute to proactive health management.

Health Tips Screens

SymptoScan- your health guardian, seamlessly predicting diseases, offering personalized health insights, and fostering a proactive well-being revolution through cutting-edge technology and user-centric design.

Comprehensive Health Tips

SymptoScan's Health Tips section provides users with a comprehensive repository of information covering symptoms, prevention strategies, and effective remedies for various diseases.

Timely and Relevant Information

Health Tips are regularly updated to ensure that users receive timely and relevant information, keeping them informed about the latest developments in disease prevention and management.

Diverse Disease Coverage

The section covers a wide array of diseases, empowering users with insights into diverse health conditions and promoting a holistic understanding of well-being.